Online Business Matching
Utilize our extensive network in Africa and Japan to find business connections based on your unique request.
Request information regarding a specific industry or country in Africa.
Request information regarding current government projects and initiatives in a specific industry or country in Africa.
Request profiles of specific businesses that match your requirements for business expansion and connect.
Request profiles of specific businesses that provide services that you need and work with them.
Request for quality services and highly-skilled people that match your needs.
Request profiles of freelancers and consultants (individuals or agencies) who can provide services for you.
Showcase your organization or project globally through events in Africa, Japan, and elsewhere.
Our network consists of African Diaspora in Japan and individuals, organizations, and governments in Africa. Including African individuals who have been to Japan and went back to Africa (people who know both Japan and their own country in Africa).
Each person and organization in our network is verified by ADNJ to ensure they offer relevant high-quality services and are ready for collaboration.
2,000 organizations
In our network
54 Countries in Africa
Our network extends into 54 countries in Africa
300 Success Stories
Successful connections and projects that were established through our network
Sign up for a free profile to receive information regarding Africa and business recommendations. For a personalized request or for business matching, please contact us.
Create a profile to receive a monthly newsletter and to receive business connections from others in the ADNJ network.
Submit custom requests for information and to find business connections throughout the ADNJ network.